Please see our weekly schedule below:
Sunday: 8:30am
Shacharit followed by Studies in Tanach
Breakfast Served
Location: 309 E 94th St Ground Floor
Tuesday 8:00-9:00pm
Lunch n Learn
Location: Midtown (Call for exact location)
Wednesday 7:30-9:00pm
JLI: Meditation from Sinai
6 Week Course via Zoom
Friday before Kabbalat Shabbat
Dvar Torah
Location: 309 E 94th St Ground Floor
Shabbat 8:45-9:15am
Tanya Class
Discover the fundamental text of Chabad-Chassidic philosophy
Location: 309 E 94th St Ground Floor
Class on Halacha - Jewish Law
Between Mincha afternoon and Maariv evening services
Location: 309 E 94th St Ground Floor
For more information please call 212-831-2770